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All my moss keeps turning brown


New member
I add nutrient to my water regularly, my tank perams are fine, I keep my water at around 76°F, I only do about 6-7 hours of light every day and my moss is still not doing great (not horrible but very very slowly turning brown)!! Should I keep the light fairly dim?? because Google said that moss doesn’t like direct sunlight for long amounts of time. idrk. You guys have any advice?
i believe that dimming might help as it doesn't like a ton of intense light, but I am not an expert on plants, @John Wayne might be able to give you better advice though and ask you more specific questions that might help narrow it down
i believe that dimming might help as it doesn't like a ton of intense light, but I am not an expert on plants, @John Wayne might be able to give you better advice though and ask you more specific questions that might help narrow it down
I’ll try dimming the light a bit in this tank and see if that works.
It’s in my 10 gal, but I can dim it and whatnot. Usually I do keep it on high setting as my other plants enjoy that, but my moss is not.
Yeah that is odd, normally moss takes awhile to settle in but then picks itself up. This seems to be the opposite