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Baby Savannah Monitor Journey.

This is what his setup looks like for now. Just a 20 gallon with plenty of room to dig around and a nice rock to bask. I will be working on a little better home for him soon but he seems to very very happy and comfortable where he is. As you can see he is just having a little soak, not paying me a second thought.

How big do you expect it to get? Going to need a larger setup?
Picked up a new baby Savannah Monitor a couple days ago. This is just a thread to show the progress of his/her growth and any upgrades to their home.

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His pudgy little belly is freaking adorable.... 🤭
I feel like making a habitat for a lizard would be really gratifying. Cause I feel like you can SEE if they are enjoying it or not
His pudgy little belly is freaking adorable.... 🤭
I feel like making a habitat for a lizard would be really gratifying. Cause I feel like you can SEE if they are enjoying it or not
You are looking at an apex predator right there 😂. I love making habitats for my animals. Being able to replicate their natural environment well enough that they live healthy and happy lives is so rewarding to me.
You are looking at an apex predator right there 😂. I love making habitats for my animals. Being able to replicate their natural environment well enough that they live healthy and happy lives is so rewarding to me.

I will end up having to build something in a couple years for it. They average about 3-4 feet fully matured so I’ll definitely have to come up with something lol
Holy cow ... He really is an apex predator isn't he? Lol so maybe don't tell him I said he had a pudgy little belly 🤭
That's crazy. I can't wait to see him keep growing! What a beast
jiggity GIF
Making some progress. He runs up to see if I'm gonna feed him every now and again. He's still pretty grumpy though.