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Ball Python Journey


Early Adopter
I have two ball pythons, a male and female.

I got the male, who is the natural morph, in June of 2023. He has grown quite a bit since then and eats like crazy. I can’t even walk into the room without him coming out to see if I’m going to offer him something to eat. He is a little food aggressive though so I try to keep my hands out of the equation as much as possible so he doesn’t start to associate hands with food.

I got the female in August of 2023 and she is a moochie bee morph. She is by far the most docile animal I have. She takes handling very well and usually just chills out in your hands or your lap. She is a very picky eater though. I have had a hard time getting her to accept food in the past and as a result she has not grown very much. She was much larger than the male when she arrived but now he makes her look like the baby of the two.

I do plan to breed them when they are large enough and I’m confident they are both healthy.


I have two ball pythons, a male and female.

I got the male, who is the natural morph, in June of 2023. He has grown quite a bit since then and eats like crazy. I can’t even walk into the room without him coming out to see if I’m going to offer him something to eat. He is a little food aggressive though so I try to keep my hands out of the equation as much as possible so he doesn’t start to associate hands with food.

I got the female in August of 2023 and she is a moochie bee morph. She is by far the most docile animal I have. She takes handling very well and usually just chills out in your hands or your lap. She is a very picky eater though. I have had a hard time getting her to accept food in the past and as a result she has not grown very much. She was much larger than the male when she arrived but now he makes her look like the baby of the two.

I do plan to breed them when they are large enough and I’m confident they are both healthy.
Are they both in the same enclosure? Or do you keep them separate until you are looking to breed them?
Are they both in the same enclosure? Or do you keep them separate until you are looking to breed them?
Some people will say you can keep them in the same enclosure and some will say not to. But I personally keep mine separated. I’ve kept them in the same enclosure without issue but I do know if you have two mature males in the same space they will wrestle over territory. All Ball pythons are different and will want their own conditions/environment. Some of them are more comfortable in an open space and others will act like they want to starve themselves if they aren’t in a tiny box all to themselves. I find it best to start with the tiny box and go from there. For example, my male is perfectly fine being in an open tank where he can see everything outside, but the female wants to be in a small space with lots of clutter to be hidden to the point she can’t even see you. Even reptiles have personalities
Some people will say you can keep them in the same enclosure and some will say not to. But I personally keep mine separated. I’ve kept them in the same enclosure without issue but I do know if you have two mature males in the same space they will wrestle over territory. All Ball pythons are different and will want their own conditions/environment. Some of them are more comfortable in an open space and others will act like they want to starve themselves if they aren’t in a tiny box all to themselves. I find it best to start with the tiny box and go from there. For example, my male is perfectly fine being in an open tank where he can see everything outside, but the female wants to be in a small space with lots of clutter to be hidden to the point she can’t even see you. Even reptiles have personalities
Dude that is so crazy how you can have such different setups for the same kind of snake lol I'm sure that takes a lot of trial and error to find the perfect setup for each individual snake
I still need to get some good pictures of their growth since I got them lol.

I’ve had a hard time getting the female to eat for quite some time but she is starting to get a good appetite going. I opened her up today and she immediately came out of her hide to see what was on the menu. She’s finally starting to get some good growth going on too.

The male has become not so fond of handling and decided to let me know about it by giving me a nice bite. I was wearing a hoodie so his teeth barely got me but it was enough to let me know where he stands on being handled these days lol.
I heard your call through my email. I am here!


Why do you think the male has switched so quickly?