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Beachside reef, lowboy 48x24x10


New member

Day 1 this was a rushed asf tank. A friend gave me a ribbon eel and I had no tank ready for it. I planned on making something like a beach aesthetic, pebbles, sand, some macro, and not too many corals.
It started off well with some seeded media, but due to a magnifica nem walking into my gyre and some velvet, I had to fallow for 2 months.
I bought the snowflake eel in hopes that it would help the ribbon eel eat.
I’m a big fan of predators and I also had a clearfin lionfish that was eating properly but passed in that incident.

Currently my livestock is
1 copperband butterfly (5 weeks)
1 dragon messmate pipefish eating frozen (1+ years now)
1 snowflake eel
1 blood shrimp that I’ve had over 2 years
1 harlequin shrimp for 1+ years
1/12 sexy shrimp survivor that I bought with the pipefish
1 frost fin cardinal
1 algae blenny
1 dolabella sea hare (unsure if it’s eating my macro but doesn’t look like it)
Assortment of snails that don’t eat macro

I’m a huge fan of predators and before my divorce I ran a 220g display with 2 blue ribbon tail stingrays, 13+ inch volitan lion. I’ve owned every species of lionfish and successfully weaned them all onto frozen.
I’ve weaned 2/4 ribbon eels onto frozen.
I believe that you can mix most predators with things like shrimps in the right environments and plentiful feeding routines.
Macroalgae is my currently obsession but currently my life is in a shambles :)
Not sure how to make the video auto play, Imgur is funky.
Also forgot to add that I have 2 inch black pvc around the back of the display for the snowflake eel to grow out.
Not sure how to make the video auto play, Imgur is funky.
Also forgot to add that I have 2 inch black pvc around the back of the display for the snowflake eel to grow out.
It is auto-playing for me!

Gorgeous tank! How long have you been running this tank? Also how long have you been in the hobby?

Im super jealous! Any plans for other tanks in the future?
It is auto-playing for me!

Gorgeous tank! How long have you been running this tank? Also how long have you been in the hobby?

Im super jealous! Any plans for other tanks in the future?
I’ve been in the hobby for 5ish years, did all the regular newbie mistakes and rushed a lot of stuff.
Currently I have a 30g empty IM nuvo with a light over it, kinda culturing bristleworms, gsp, and whatever I toss in that tank. There’s some snails and a conch in there, but I don’t do anything with that tank.
I have the 50g lowboy that I’ll probably have for the foreseeable future.
My next big tank would be my last one.
Ideally id get a tub of some sort, idk. I want a 4x4x1-1.5 for stingrays and lionfish. Divorce sucks and ruins tank plans, don’t do it.

Day 1 this was a rushed asf tank. A friend gave me a ribbon eel and I had no tank ready for it. I planned on making something like a beach aesthetic, pebbles, sand, some macro, and not too many corals.
It started off well with some seeded media, but due to a magnifica nem walking into my gyre and some velvet, I had to fallow for 2 months.
I bought the snowflake eel in hopes that it would help the ribbon eel eat.
I’m a big fan of predators and I also had a clearfin lionfish that was eating properly but passed in that incident.

Currently my livestock is
1 copperband butterfly (5 weeks)
1 dragon messmate pipefish eating frozen (1+ years now)
1 snowflake eel
1 blood shrimp that I’ve had over 2 years
1 harlequin shrimp for 1+ years
1/12 sexy shrimp survivor that I bought with the pipefish
1 frost fin cardinal
1 algae blenny
1 dolabella sea hare (unsure if it’s eating my macro but doesn’t look like it)
Assortment of snails that don’t eat macro

I’m a huge fan of predators and before my divorce I ran a 220g display with 2 blue ribbon tail stingrays, 13+ inch volitan lion. I’ve owned every species of lionfish and successfully weaned them all onto frozen.
I’ve weaned 2/4 ribbon eels onto frozen.
I believe that you can mix most predators with things like shrimps in the right environments and plentiful feeding routines.
Macroalgae is my currently obsession but currently my life is in a shambles :)

Wow! You have quite the assortment! May be a dumb question but since I can't see everything and it's such an intricate scape you've created, are all of these in the same tank or do you have separate tanks?
That is pretty incredible that you've been able to ween all of those predators onto frozen food! I am sure that takes a lot of time and attention, especially to ensure they aren't eating their neighbors😂
Sorry to hear what you're going through but hopefully this hobby can be a healthy distraction for you. Definitely seems like you have your hands full with these guys!
Beautiful tanks and the video is super cool 👍
Wow! You have quite the assortment! May be a dumb question but since I can't see everything and it's such an intricate scape you've created, are all of these in the same tank or do you have separate tanks?
That is pretty incredible that you've been able to ween all of those predators onto frozen food! I am sure that takes a lot of time and attention, especially to ensure they aren't eating their neighbors😂
Sorry to hear what you're going through but hopefully this hobby can be a healthy distraction for you. Definitely seems like you have your hands full with these guys!
Beautiful tanks and the video is super cool 👍
Everything on that list is in the lowboy as of this moment. I want to find another radiata or antennata to train onto frozen but since my tank crash, I haven’t had any at my LFS.
Do you have a picture of the sea hare? I always though those were so cool
Do you have a picture of the sea hare? I always though those were so cool

I’m really hoping it’s eating the GHA and not the blue hypnea, but it’s not the end of the world if so.