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The amazon display

John Wayne

Early Adopter
Working on creating a timeline and story for some background later. Possibly an article. For now you'll just get updates of what I've been up to when I remember.
Newest update on the tank, re working the air lines for my setup. Simply using a staplegun ( low settings to not puncture the tubing. I use 1/8th airline hose for those who are wondering ) to re route most of the hose. Currently it is sitting/ hanging around the tanks. The main reason I do this is that it makes it
1) easier to locate a fix / relocate lines if need be
2) Cut any unnecessary tube out to shorten the usage and the backpressure on the pump
3) To tidy up and make the overall look more cleanly.
Anything that makes life easier or the look of your setup cleaner is often worth doing. I also ran an optional line for if I need to aerate one of the tanks on my rack, or a bucket sitting on the ground. Pictures coming soon...
Any pics? I assume this is anymore necessary thing than in sw tanks?