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BCI / Red Tail Boa Journey.

Holy moly they seem to have quite a long lifespan! I'm seeing 20-30 years! I'm sure that massively depends on how they are cared for, but that is still pretty crazy!
Oh yeah! Many reptiles have a pretty long lifespan if cared for properly and don’t succumb to disease. They can also survive quite a long time without food as well. I’ve heard of some pythons living over a year without eating.
I would assume that is why a lot of people end up setting them free when they become too much to care for. You are seeing huge problems in the Everglades with pythons because people are just setting them free when they become too much to handle and they don't have the space or money to take care of them anymore.

Its really cool when people do care for them properly and have super nice setups for them

I am super excited to see the progress of this @BolensFrogQuatics
Yeah man it happens everywhere. The Everglades just got the worst of it simply because those animals can survive in the climate. It wasn’t all that long ago that a woman found a pretty large red tail boa in her back yard here In Kentucky. My mom works with her. She said the kids came running inside saying there was an “anaconda” in the yard so she goes out there thinking it’s just a big snake but sure enough there was a big ol boa lol.
Update on the boa!

My boy is still putting on the mass. With that he has become very comfortable with me and has developed quite the appetite.

So a couple weeks ago he struck at the snake hook that I use, in this case looking around for any poo that needed to be removed, thinking it was prey. So it has become time to start tap training him.

This is simple to do it just requires repetition until they get the idea. When you open their enclosure with the intent of handling them, just boop them on the head a couple times until they retract, then use the hook to pick them up. Boas are quite intelligent snakes so it doesn’t take very long for them to catch on.

After about 3-4 occasions of doing this he seemed to already have the understanding of what it means but I made sure to keep it up every time I came to pull him out for a bit. He chills out on the spot and let’s me scoop him up without any fuss and immediately begins exploring.

He’s growing way faster than I expected. I was getting worried I was over feeding him but he is the picture perfect example of a healthy boa!

I’ll get some pictures tomorrow since he just ate today I don’t want to bother him.