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Is this camallanus worm..?


New member
2449F16A-6E92-48EF-91C7-6449B43006CA.jpegI’ve been thinking maybe it was just an orange fin because nobody else in the tank has this but I’m starting to believe it might be red worm. Is it?


Alright, news, I have found this photo from like half a year ago that proves that he looks the exact same. His fin just looks like this. So I am certain that is not what it is and it is just an abnormally worm like fin. False alarm.
Alright, news, I have found this photo from like half a year ago that proves that he looks the exact same. His fin just looks like this. So I am certain that is not what it is and it is just an abnormally worm like fin. False alarm.
LMAOOO “worm like fin” it just made me paranoid looking at it. I was like “what is that…what IS that” (that one audio) 😭 but yeah false alarm buddy I’m sorry for fin shaming you.