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Hallo 👋
I came from the discord server, I don't keep any aquatics atm but I hope to in the future and I rly like the community you guys have!
I hope this is an ok introduction, if I need to change anything just lemme know
It's all good. I don't have any fish atm either haha.

Started all of this when I was trying to get into the hobby.

What are you looking to start when you do?
Hallo 👋
I came from the discord server, I don't keep any aquatics atm but I hope to in the future and I rly like the community you guys have!
I hope this is an ok introduction, if I need to change anything just lemme know
Hey Johnathan!! So happy to have another enthusiast aboard! Specifically one who is also new to all of this 😂 😅 any thoughts on anything specific you'd like to take care of at some point? Fish? Reptiles? I want a turtle so bad and shrimp.... and some fish, maybe a lizard lol so many awesome things 😂
Hey Johnathan!! So happy to have another enthusiast aboard! Specifically one who is also new to all of this 😂 😅 any thoughts on anything specific you'd like to take care of at some point? Fish? Reptiles? I want a turtle so bad and shrimp.... and some fish, maybe a lizard lol so many awesome things 😂
Sorry for not seeing this sooner lol, I'd love to have some fish sometime soon but as of now I'm not sure what kind or species
It's all good. I don't have any fish atm either haha.

Started all of this when I was trying to get into the hobby.

What are you looking to start when you do?
I'm not sure to be honest, maybe some tetras or a couple goldfish
Well whenever you decide to start your journey, we are here for ya!

In the mean time feel free to just enjoy the forums and ask an questions you have.
Just the general category.

If it's not working let me know and I will fix it rq.

Been trying to set all the permissions so I might have messed something up
Which thread do I type in under the general section/category for general conversations and stuff like that?