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Scammed a coral beauty then got scammed


New member
I go to this particular Petco for my feeders, etc.
I’ve known for months that this coral beauty has been in display for a loooong time. It was selling for like $70 usd.
Today I went there to get feeders and grocery shopping (next door). I noticed the coral beauty tag wasn’t on there anymore. They also just hired this guy, he didn’t even have a Petco shirt on, no tags, he even answered a personal call while helping me, wtf.

Anyway, I ask what the price is and since there’s no tags he defaulted to assorted damsels 9.99.
I quickly ask him to bag it up. * this was my mistake.
Check out, go home, temp acclimate and notice the fish playing dead. I didn’t know coral beauties play dead.
Bring in groceries and etc, I went to check and he was still playing dead.
Dude at the Petco f*king grabbed a bag full of freshwater and netted the coral beauty into a 30 minute freshwater dip…

45 minutes later he’s breathing hard and managed to swim to the other side of the tank… will update as we go.





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Guy was brand new didn’t know what he was doing, probably doesn’t even know the dif fw or salt :/
Yea that is crazy honestly. Glad it made it though. And you got if for only $10
I go to this particular Petco for my feeders, etc.
I’ve known for months that this coral beauty has been in display for a loooong time. It was selling for like $70 usd.
Today I went there to get feeders and grocery shopping (next door). I noticed the coral beauty tag wasn’t on there anymore. They also just hired this guy, he didn’t even have a Petco shirt on, no tags, he even answered a personal call while helping me, wtf.

Anyway, I ask what the price is and since there’s no tags he defaulted to assorted damsels 9.99.
I quickly ask him to bag it up. * this was my mistake.
Check out, go home, temp acclimate and notice the fish playing dead. I didn’t know coral beauties play dead.
Bring in groceries and etc, I went to check and he was still playing dead.
Dude at the Petco f*king grabbed a bag full of freshwater and netted the coral beauty into a 30 minute freshwater dip…

45 minutes later he’s breathing hard and managed to swim to the other side of the tank… will update as we go.

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I hope he's alright. Idk how the heck you allow someone to work out in the department without teaching them at least the basics between saltwater and fresh... That's scary...
Didn’t survive the night
damn sorry to hear that. Atleast you tried though. Really unfortunate about that. I would definitely reach out to the petco and explain the situation though. Atleast so it doesn't happen again