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three toed box turtle shell damage

Aurora IceLeaf

Early Adopter
hello everyone! recently i received a three toed box turtle that had been hit by a car. the damage doesn't seem too terrible but id like to dress the fracture on the bottom of her shell. i was also trying to figure out what i should feed her and keep her in (she's currently in a box) for while she recovers. she had been active and trucking around in her box, and there doesn't seem to be any internal damage

tw for blood
it has a bit of damage on the inner lip of her shell so im gonna get some gauze for her tomorrow, any other suggestions??
update - its a him, and he let me pick him up while out of his shell this morning. im still trying to figure how to pin the fracture at the bottom of his shell but the wound on his paw seems to be healing and he's been out and about! i need to get him to drink water though and eat food, what should i feel him?IMG_20240621_094211826.jpg
To my knowledge turtles can go without food for weeks at a time so if it isn’t eating/refusing I think it’s okay to just not feed for now. Force feeding will cause stress in the turtle. I found a post online that discusses a method to help with the turtle starving itself, “puree turtle pellets, fish flakes, unflavored pedialyte, and water into a soup. We then put the turtle in a small bowl of the soup, under a lamp to keep him warm, for about 30 minutes at a time. We'd do this about twice a week. That way, he would at least drink some of the nutrients. He didn't eat for almost 2 months, but finally one day he just miraculously started eating again” hopefully this information helps you?
im leaving him with food 24/7 and he has water. i bought some liquid bandage at Walmart and used that to seal the crack in his shell and the stubs where his claws were ripped off, hes doing pretty well!